End of Term Fun

It has been a long first term which ended this week with lots of fun. The children participated in PE and created lovely balancing positions in gymnastics. The children completed their art work by practising their leaf printing and sewing skills and they produced some wonderful artwork to showcase in the year 2 area. They also had a surprise visit from Martha’s family who kindly came in to school to talk about India. The children were shown pictures of India, videos and items used in Indian culture. The session ended with the children having the opportunity to taste some Asian food. A huge thank you to Martha (class 2C) and her mum and grandma. On the last day, after working hard in the morning, the children ended the term with a film. The film was linked to their writing unit on creating instructions. It was a lovely way to end the term ready for the half term break. Well done 2H for working so well this term!

Let’s Get Cooking!

The children have been immersed in fun practical activities this week. They have participated in making a vegetable curry which links to their study of India this term. They practised their culinary skills including cutting up carrots, onions and celery. They enjoyed tasting the food and evaluated it afterwards.

The children were also busy creating artistic designs linked to a book called The Spider Weaver. In Science, we have explored animals and their habitats so this term’s artwork complements this. The children practised drawing webs and they also did some observational work on leaves. They also practised some leaf printing with green paint. They have worked well and should be proud of the art they have produced. Well done 2H!

On Fridays, we celebrate who has read three times or more that week. The number is increasing! Well done to all the children who are reading and an extra well done to those who received certificates this week. Let’s see if the number increases next week. Keep up the reading 2H!

Engaged in Learning

This week, the children have been busy learning their new text: How to Trap a Dragon. They have been using pictures and actions to help them learn the text. They have also been using ten frames, base ten, bar models and number lines to complete addition and subtraction calculations. In Geography, the children discovered where the equator was and played a game to see if they could identify north, east, south and west. At the end of each week, pupils who have read three times or more at home receive a reading certificate. It is great to see the number of children reading regularly is increasing. Well done 2H.

Creative Activities

This week, the children have been focused on producing great work in both mathematics and writing. They have finally come to the end of place value and are beginning addition and subtraction. They have also been playing a fun maths game called Hit the Button which is helping them to practise their number bonds. In writing, they have started to write their own exciting warning tale.

The children have also been involved in some creative activities. They have been collaborating and creating their own positions in gymnastics. They have also been working well in teams this week to create actions to poems. This was to celebrate National Poetry Day where the theme was counting. The children enjoyed working in small groups and performing their counting poems to the rest of the class. Well done 2H!

Week 4

We are half way through the first term already! The children are collaborating and focusing on managing their distractions. They have been learning their number bonds to ten and twenty. They have enjoyed an online game Hit the Button which assesses how fluently a child knows their number bonds. The children have also been exploring adjectives, verbs and adverbs to assist with writing a shared story. In computing, the children have been learning how to stay safe online.

A Reflective Circle

This week, the children have been thinking deeply about how we should respect and look after our world. They shared their thoughts in collective worship with Reverend Dave. They have also made comparisons between the River Ganges and the River Aire and discussed issues surrounding pollution. The pupils received a visit from Mr Van Loo (RE Lead) who popped in to see what children were learning in RE. He watched a lesson about how people can pray in different positions to help them focus on their thoughts. He was impressed with their discussions and how insightful the children were. Well done 2H!

First Weeks Back at School

The new year 2 pupils have been settling in to a new school term. It has been explained what they need to do if they have a worry. Each child made a worry doll and was introduced to the class worry monster in the first week. This week, the children have been sharing ideas for actions for their class text: Beware of the Dragon! The children have also been collaborating in science and exploring place value in mathematics. The children have been helpful and have tried their best to show the school value of respect.

Hello 2H! Hello World!


Welcome to class 2H at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Miss Hanley, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

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Happy Blogging!

Miss Hanley