Mental Health Week

On Monday 6th May through to Friday 10th May, the children celebrated Mental Health Week. They participated in several activities including giving out compliments to their peers during circle time, wearing green (on Thursday) and going on a hunt to find green labels that had words on them. The children managed to get all the words from the hunt and had the challenge of rearranging them to make two sentences. A handful of children were able to successfully do this and as a reward the children watched a wonderful short film ( about friendship and kindness) called ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy. The children were engaged with the film and thoroughly enjoyed watching it. They also joined the rest of the school in the playground ( on Wednesday) for ‘The Big Sing’ which was lovely to listen to.

The children have also been working hard in mathematics. They have been exploring fractions (halves, quarters and thirds). Ophelia received an incredible sticker for spotting the link between fractions and dividing and multiplying. Super impressed! Practising fractions at home would be beneficial and help support your child’s confidence and knowledge of this area of maths. Regular revisiting of the 2S, 5s and 10s times tables would help too.

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