Hello 2H! Hello World!


Welcome to class 2H at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Miss Hanley, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

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Happy Blogging!

Miss Hanley

Lunar Landing

Wow! It has been an amazing term with lots of activity, hard work and enthusiasm from the children. In the previous week, they entered a space dome (in the school hall) and were enthralled by the images of space, the moon, the sun and the various planets. In writing, the pupils wrote about an explorer and described the setting. They also created an information guide on how to become an explorer. Books were read about two astronauts that the pupils were exploring in history: Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. The children also brought in their projects from home. They worked diligently to design and create a space buggy. The final week ended with an Explorer Day Exhibition where the children showcased their work and families were invited in to see their wonderful writing, artwork and space buggies. Well done class 2H! So proud of all of you!

Mathematical Minds

The children have been busy with their core subjects and foundation subjects, this term. Over the last couple of weeks, the children have been encouraged to grasp multiplication concepts, including repeated addition and arrays. They have explored using practical resources to help with this.

Week 2

This week, the children settled back into their routine. They started using actions to help them learn their new text: The Story of Pirate Tom. In maths, the children have been working hard to add amounts together and to find change. They have also been learning their times tables and understanding what the term multiplication means. The children have been exploring everyday materials in science and in RE they have been using drama to explore bible stories. Well done to those children who have been reading three times or more weekly. Certificates are handed out on Fridays to celebrate and promote a love of reading.

Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year! Thank you for all the wonderful Christmas gifts and cards received.

It has been a cold, snowy and icy start to the school term. In spite of this, the children have returned to school and engaged in their learning. In mathematics, the children have started to explore money and are beginning to recognise coins and different pound notes. In English, the children started the spring term by innovating a poem called Pirate Pete by James Carter. Several children volunteered to read their poems in front of the class. Well done!

Countdown to Christmas

For the last two weeks, the children have been extremely busy. They completed their journey story in English, identified different types of shapes and their properties in maths and have explored the importance of rules during religious education lessons.

The children have also been busy practising either their singing or words for the Christingle celebration or both. They have also been learning to cut with a saw and how to use a glue gun safely when building a bridge. They collaborated well in their groups.Time was also spent creating Christmas cards and a calendar. The children enjoyed these creative activities and made some beautiful cards and calendars to take home. They also had the opportunity to watch The Lion King and earlier in the week they had a party afternoon. The children also looked amazing in their Christmas jumpers.

A huge thank you to all the families of class 2H. Thank you for your support, kindness and generosity. Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful festive break.

Science: Food Chains

This week, the children have been continuing their journey story of The Papaya That Spoke. They started to innovate and plan their own adapted version. They have been exploring both 2D and 3D shapes in mathematics. In Science, the focus has been on creating a food chain. The children practised in small groups making various food chains showing great collaboration and communication skills. They explored terms such as producer, primary consumer, predator, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. They watched an episode of Peter Rabbit which showed an owl (predator) chasing after a rabbit (prey). The school week ended with the children celebrating those awarded a certificate for reading three times or more. After a week of assessments as well, the children deserve to have a great weekend. Great determination was shown this week by all the children. Well done 2H!

Art Celebration 2024 and a School Trip in the Same Week

Wow! 2H worked extremely hard for two weeks to prepare for their art celebration. They demonstrated their rhythmic dance moves in front of members of the senior leadership team as well as their families. They entertained the audience and impressed everyone with how they collaborated and supported each other. The children also showcased their art work from sketching to mixing paints, to weaving and creating 3D models. It was great to see so many families attending and the feedback was very positive. Every child should be proud of what they achieved. Great work class 2H!

The children also attended a school trip to Leeds City Centre. They visited some of the buildings designed by Hull architect Cuthbert Brodrick including the Corn Exchange and Leeds City Museum. They also travelled to Lower Briggate to see the River Aire which in the past was used to transport goods for trade. The children had fun but were tired after lots of walking in the city centre.

Arts Fortnight – Week One

This week, the children were in the art studio. Class 2H have been busy demonstrating their artistic skills. They have been exploring different animal habitats, experimenting with different paints, including mixing paints to create light and dark tones and weaving using either warm or cool colours. The children have also been practising their dance to showcase next Friday afternoon ((29th November). The children started to create actions for a diary written by a bear. 2H are looking forward to continuing to produce amazing work to show their families. It has been a fun filled week!

Remembrance Day and Anti-Bullying Week

On Monday 11th November, the children went into the school hall with their poppy display (a red cross) and stood in silence for two minutes to remember those who have fought in various wars. In class, Maya and Dillaan read a poem and the children watched a short online clip about why Remembrance Day occurs each year and why poppies are worn. The displays from each class have been put around a tree at the front of the school.

On Tuesday 12th November, lots of children came to school in odd socks (as part of anti-bullying week) to recognise that it is okay to be different and that we are all unique. The children also enjoyed participating in a rap song and dance called ‘Stop Bullying.’ On Thursday 14th November, a member of management (one of the judges) came to watch their final performance and was very impressed. Well done 2H for collaborating and working so hard to get your dance moves and the words to the song correct.

Autumn Term Two

It has been a busy first week back at school. The children started a new text called, ‘The Papaya That Spoke’ and have been learning the actions to help them remember the story. They have also been exploring maths strategies to help them exchange ones for a ten as part of addition and subtraction. They have also been creative in preparing for the school Remembrance Service which takes place on Monday morning. They each created a poppy which will be presented as part of the service. Well done to all the children who have been reading 3 times or more. They all received a certificate. The number is increasing each week. Well done 2H!